roma_palmer2015-05-05 10:46:06
roma_palmer, 2015-05-05 10:46:06

Who has experience with the materializecss.com framework?

Share your experience using the materializecss.com
framework . Pitfalls, etc.

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3 answer(s)
eldar_web, 2015-05-05

What is not clear there?

maddread, 2015-08-14

Select, drop-down list does not work for me in it correctly. More precisely, it is not visible without a crutch in the form of .select in load (). And something is wrong with the fonts, even on the framework page.

bushart, 2015-08-06

Everything is simple and clear.
But if we talk about pitfalls, some components may be missing, such as a date picker, while, for example, material ui has it (on the other hand, material ui does not have things that are in materializecss).

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