Barrakuda742018-11-07 12:46:43
Barrakuda74, 2018-11-07 12:46:43

Who has any delays when working via IMAP with Yandex?

Does anyone work on IMAP with Yandex?
Responses to requests like imap_headerinfo, imap_fetchstructure, imap_fetchbody and others return after 30-120 seconds. Those. if the task is, say, to upload ~ 1 million letters, then it will take 2 years. Is this normal for Yandex? Or am I doing something wrong?

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2 answer(s)
Barrakuda74, 2018-11-18

The question has been asked for a long time, during this period I found out that the situation with IMAP with Yandex is equally bad for everyone. It's just that Yandex doesn't have enough funds to upgrade its equipment to handle the current volume of requests, especially during business hours.

klepiku, 2018-11-14

your connection settings are such that packets are torn somewhere

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