bulvar2015-01-17 22:02:17
bulvar, 2015-01-17 22:02:17

Who can help me learn web development using php, mysql?

Good afternoon to all interested and just readers! I have a specialized education, I am a software engineer by profession, I completed 3-month specialized courses, passed as a regular 8-hour working day, with lectures and practice, I got acquainted with the basics of php, mysql, javascript, html / css, OOP. But the whole catch is that it’s not so easy for me, unlike the others, although the desire is great, sometimes I just start moving in the wrong direction and therefore a lot of time is wasted. I would like to find a "spiritual mentor", I'm ready to be a "laborer" and perform tasks for free, there would be those who will prompt and direct. I will not regret the time at all. But I am sure that the main thing for me is to start and then there will be more benefits, and fewer questions. If anyone has the opportunity to help, I would be grateful.

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6 answer(s)
Evsign, 2015-01-17

If you can’t develop without a mentor, you won’t be able to with him either.
What you propose would make sense in the time "before the Internet", when there were much fewer ways to transfer experience and, as a rule, it could only be obtained in combat contact. Now, you can find a bunch of ways to keep yourself occupied and pumped ... Books, video lectures, video courses, videocasts, interactive problem sites, thematic blogs, etc. AND YOU CAN GET EVERYTHING FOR FREE! Start doing business, not self-deception.
Do you want to know in what direction to develop? Ok... I'll just randomly give you an answer. Learn assembler. Arranged? I think it’s unlikely ... Therefore, it’s up to you to choose the direction of development!
P.s. Do you think that you received a specialized education as a software engineer after completing some 3-month courses? Or do you have some kind of profile tower? In that case, why did you take the courses?
Unfortunately, I forgot the author, and I can’t quote verbatim, but I’ll try to convey the essence.
As everyone already knows, it takes a fairly large number of man-hours to master some ability at the professional level. That person claimed that on average it takes 5 years and painted step by step what happens in each year of mastering something new. I will not give all the stages, I will limit myself to the first two.
On my own experience I was convinced of this. After about a year, it was already clear what should be further studied, improved, read, done, etc. to achieve the goal. Thick books on algorithms, computer architecture, mathematics, physics, and so on began to be read. in the need for which I did not see the point before, tk. I read that you can become a programmer without mathematics ...

index0h, 2015-01-17

You are trying in vain to understand EVERYTHING-and-IMMEDIATELY. The hell is clear that there will be porridge in my head. Start with an 800+ page php book, read it, try to make some kind of website. Be proud of yourself)). Read McConnell's "Perfect Code", the pride after the first site should pass at this point. Learn a thread of a framework, like Symphony2, get excited, make some websites. Congratulations, somewhere in this place you became a junior. Learn a bunch of things like redis, memcached, posgresql, bash, git, rabbintMQ,.. and do some projects with them. Most likely, at this stage you will become a middle and will consider symphony the only normative framework. After working with highly loaded projects, you will see that many seemingly correct approaches for HL cannot be applied in principle, because you will run into iron limitations, work on several of these projects. Somewhere here you will grow into a signor.
The fact that you believed that "the courses will make me a coolhacker and I will row the money with a shovel" is just marketing)). The only courses that really teach something are the courses of a specific company on their specific products with their specific certificates that are recognized in the world, for example, cisco.
You don't try to find someone to sit with you and teach. For example, you will make business card sites, but it will not give you much knowledge. Until you learn to LEARN on your own, the path to programming (especially on the web) is closed to you.

Eugene, 2015-01-17

How can you not understand from 3 monthly courses where to move on in your studies? Do you have higher education?

romach3, 2015-01-17

Question to question: since you are looking for a mentor, maybe you should leave an email for communication? )

Nikolai Vinogradov, 2015-01-18


Kuzma Shpagin, 2015-01-23

Ask former classmates, familiar programmers with existing projects, or try to go to work in some thread of a website development company. If you agree to join the team - consider 50% success. And then try to understand what they say and how they do it.
I, too, after the university (although I graduated as a programmer) tried to study something, somehow understand something myself. There was 0 sense. I did not even know how and where to start. It was even a matter of not going to the construction site as laborers, though I found a former classmate. He invited me to join his team. Began to explain on the current project (samopis) what he has and how. I started to get involved slowly. Now I'm writing code. I have a couple of real projects. In principle, I can already write on anything and in any way.
This is the only real chance in my opinion to learn how to write on the web, and in any other direction. And at a distance it won’t work out much, it seems to me.
Of course, I can give advice and recommendations, but they may not be effective, because. better when explain live.

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