Alexander Vasilenko2015-10-23 07:43:43
Alexander Vasilenko, 2015-10-23 07:43:43

Who are the icons/gurus/great fathers of Android development?

Different segments of the programming world have their own icons, so to speak. For Linuxoids and system programmers (and not only them), this is Linus Torvalds. For fans of the Go language - Rob Pike. For architects, perhaps this is Martin Fowler. For the hardware guys, I guess it's Steve Wozniak. For Clojure developers, this is, of course, Rich Hickey. For managers (IT-shnyh), it seems to me, in most cases - Steve Jobs.
Of course, this is not a complete list of those who can inspire us all, motivate us to be like them in some way, but why do we need a complete list? I hope you understand what I'm getting at.
And I lead to the fact that I am completely lost when I try to remember a person who could be an icon / guru / holy father / pariarch, etc. in the field of Android-development. Therefore, the question is for people who are much more experienced and knowledgeable:
Who do you look up to, or would you look up to, if not for your natural rebellious spirit of a nonconformist?

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2 answer(s)
Oleg Gamega, 2015-10-23

There are no personalities like Torvald in the android world, but it's hard for me to imagine my work without the libraries developed by this person https://github.com/JakeWharton

Artem Gapchenko, 2016-02-20

Jake Wharton and Jesse Wilson are the dudes from Square, the authors of a bunch of all kinds of Android libraries (I can think of ButterKnife, OkHttp, Retrofit, Picasso and Dagger from what these two came up with and did. LeakCanary was also made by a developer from Square, but different) . In general, I advise you to periodically look at what appears on the Square github account and from the people mentioned above.
Mark Marphy , aka Commons Guy - author of a three and a half thousand page Talmud on Android programming, number one on Stackoverflow for the android tag (the closest competitor has about five times less points for this tag) and also the author of a number of libraries (from his work I really don't remember anything.)
In the Russian-speaking community, there is a name that does not reach the guru / great father, but appears most often on hearing - Artem Zinatullin . The author of StorIO, founder of the Android development podcast called Context, is a big fan of testing, RxJava and learning about different approaches to Android application design.

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