x2bool2012-05-28 08:18:02
Career in IT
x2bool, 2012-05-28 08:18:02

Who are consultants?

Often, in books devoted to programming, on the page “about the author”, in the section “professional activity”, it is indicated as a position - it consultant. Who are consultants? And what exactly do they do?

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7 answer(s)
Vladimir Sokolovsky, 2012-05-28

Once this screenshot of the site was already on Habré, they even created a whole post about it:

kulbit, 2012-05-28

You automatically become an IT consultant by successfully answering 5-10 questions from your acquaintances who want to develop their business on the Internet.
Further, according to the possibilities, you can provide applied services - design, hosting, marketing, and so on.
Consulting is always a fairly effective method of obtaining clients. Having provided a high-quality, maximum impartial and free service of informing a person about the methods of promoting your business on the Internet or about the introduction of modern information and software tools and technologies, you can get a partner, client or the same useful informant about other aspects of the business :)

Mikhail Shevtsov, 2012-05-28


Renat Ibragimov, 2012-05-28

Hmm, it says in my contract that I'm a consultant :) Rather, it's just a specialist with knowledge from different areas.

Deenamo, 2012-05-29

As an option - a person who basically works on temporary contracts with hourly / piecework pay.

TheMengzor, 2012-05-30

An IT consultant is a person who has deep knowledge in a certain area and can CLEARLY explain something from this area to strangers. You may be charged for this.

Mikhail Shevtsov, 2012-06-22

Where are consultants hired? I love to advise

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