Paka2015-02-12 09:33:11
Paka, 2015-02-12 09:33:11

Who and how can make a timer on LEDs (for a sports scoreboard)?

Given. The boys and I play hockey. But without a timer, time is not cool, maybe. playing teams do not know how much time is left before the change. Ready-made solutions in the form of custom-made sports scoreboards are expensive for us.
Task: where to get / how to assemble your own LED board for max. 2000 rub. Usage model - brought with you in your bag. I hung it on board, pressed the button - the countdown of the five-minute segment went to zero.
Result: players see how much time is left. Fights-squabbles are excluded.
Question: where to get / how to make?
PS this is not a kettle with wifi that no one needs ....

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1 answer(s)
GavriKos, 2015-02-12

If you do not want to mess with soldering - Arduino. You need a minimum of skills, meet the cost price.

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