Alexander2016-06-15 12:41:15
Alexander, 2016-06-15 12:41:15

WHM & cPanle won't SSH from my PC, but it does from the client's PC. How to add my IP to trusted?

The client created an account in the WHM panel to access cPanel.
I create SSH access keys. I use. Does not start up on a timeout. Even before choosing a login. Log in with putty.
I go to the client's PC through TimWeaver, I try to log in from putty using the keys from his PC, it lets it in, authorizes it by key and login with a password.

I can not find where in the WHM panel to add my IP to trusted. I hear that this is the issue. Tried googling. All answers and questions come down to adding IP servers, not users.

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1 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2016-06-15

in the firewall section, add IPs to allowed allow

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