kkoshakk2016-07-15 00:10:46
kkoshakk, 2016-07-15 00:10:46

Which swap is better (ZRAM, swap partition or swap file)?

There are 4 gigabytes of memory, ssd screw, 2 cores. What swap method is the best at the moment?

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4 answer(s)
xotkot, 2016-07-16

depending on the quality and quantity of data with which you work most often
if the swap is used often and a lot, then it is better to put it on the partition
if the swap is used infrequently but a lot, then it is better to use the swap file
if the swap is used a little, then you can get by with zram
if the swap is used relatively much but the data is well compressed, here you can also get by with zram
, you can, in principle, use a combined approach, for example, use zram and a swap file for which compression is also used.

sim3x, 2016-07-15

Купить больше рам
Не потреблять больше чем есть в рам

Юрий Чудновский, 2016-07-15

Живу без свопа при 6 ГБ оперативки.

Lindon_cano, 2016-07-15

Купите еще 4 гига рама и отключите своп.

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