Goomfn2015-01-12 08:33:12
Goomfn, 2015-01-12 08:33:12

Which SSH client has syntax highlighting?

I've been looking for an SSH client with syntax highlighting for a long time. On various sites in the screenshots, I constantly see the Linux terminal window in the Windows program, and there is syntax highlighting. Here, I stumbled upon it again . Who knows what program is in the screenshot?

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6 answer(s)
Goomfn, 2015-01-12

The issue was resolved here . You need to enable colors directly on Linux, and Putty will display them itself.

jcmvbkbc, 2015-01-12

looking for SSH client with syntax highlighting

ssh client with syntax highlighting is nonsense. You are looking for a terminal emulator capable of displaying colors.
putty definitely knows how to do this.

Sergey Petrikov, 2015-01-12

Any modern terminal emulator. Colors are configured in the working environment of the server - the emulator only broadcasts them.

Alexander Karabanov, 2015-01-12

SSH client has nothing to do with it. For example, in order for colors to start showing up in Ubuntu, you need to uncomment the force_color_prompt=yes line in ~/.bashrc and relogin (well, or restart bash).

Taras M, 2015-01-22

yes, the point is in linux itself, BUT putty does not always display normally putty.org.ru/articles/putty-256-colors-and-themes.html

Alexey P, 2015-01-12


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