Paxa2012-11-12 14:06:12
Ruby on Rails
Paxa, 2012-11-12 14:06:12

Which Russian universities teach Ruby?

Today I saw such a list of foreign educational institutions
on rubyflow docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Arl7GbjTLUugd...
Do they teach anywhere in Russia?

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6 answer(s)
Daniel Newman, 2012-11-12

What, only 20 points on the map?

becks, 2012-11-12

It is likely that the teacher’s question would be exactly “And this should be done in Ruby”, I have not heard this about any university. But on the other hand, in the same SPbSPU (Polytech), in many disciplines, the student has the right to choose the language of interest to him for the implementation of the task.

kutanov, 2012-11-12

Department of "Internet technologies" MATI

VaiMR, 2012-11-12

In fact, in IT specialties after the second year (after passing the theory of algorithms and other basic areas), or even earlier, you can choose any language and technology for the implementation of your course projects. We have never been restricted. People used everything from assembler to VB, Ruby, Lisp, Scala

barker, 2012-11-12

Yes, universities do not “teach”, and they should not teach languages. Because it's just a tool. And here and everywhere I know they gave assignments, but as a rule, no one cared about what to write on. Of course, the tool had to be adequately chosen, although they played it as they wanted (I wrote a web application on the lab, a forum, in pure C in the form of cgi, well, it was almost relevant because then only the pearl was and then I didn’t know it none of us). Well, except, of course, for specific cases when the goal was exactly something related to the language itself (Prolog, AutoLisp, Ada, etc.).

[email protected]><e, 2012-11-12

Apparently, he used to be in physics and technology. Maybe there is now.

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