Anton Sashnin2014-06-21 07:05:32
Network administration
Anton Sashnin, 2014-06-21 07:05:32

Which region should I choose for the digitalocean droplet?

When creating a droplet, the system prompts me to select the region of the data center on which my VPS will work, a question for users of this hosting, which one is better, more stable, faster, safer?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-06-21

You need to choose based on the assumption where the main traffic will come from. If from the states or from North America - the answer is obvious, then there are more specifics. Europa - Amsterdam. Asia - Singapore.
In fact, the closer the server is to the bulk of consumers, the better (less pings).

Puma Thailand, 2014-06-21

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