mtNATS2020-10-05 19:59:18
mtNATS, 2020-10-05 19:59:18

Which RAM to choose from 2 options?

There are 2 sets of ddr3

  • 32gb 1333
  • 16gb 1866

which is better to choose and why?

addition: to work with software and a large number of small files
, the mother has 4 slots in total, xeon 2670 stone

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2020-10-05

It would be nice to know: for what?
In the meantime, the answer is 32gb 1333, twice as much.

Dmitry Pavlov, 2020-10-05

Depends on your motherboard and processor (number of slots, maximum capacity)

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