BetterT2020-12-03 17:06:12
BetterT, 2020-12-03 17:06:12

Which parser to choose for a beginner?

We urgently need to make a simple web-site parser with auto-login by login and password.
There are no parser writing skills at all.
You just need a visual constructor with data translation into cvs (Exel).
Well, I would like either shareware or with a test period.

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3 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2020-12-03


Pashenka, 2020-12-03

Parser writing skills are no different from programming skills. Are you good at programming? Let's start with this. If not, then you should look for some software like ZennoPoster. In order to master it, it is enough to imagine what a flowchart is and be friends with logic.

Developer, 2020-12-03

There are several options:
- learn programming
- learn complex software like ZennoPoester
- delegate the task to those who:
- can write a parser
- knows how to use ZennoPoster
As you can see, there are no easy ways

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