mari_greys2019-12-23 04:41:58
mari_greys, 2019-12-23 04:41:58

Which of the two languages ​​is better for a helper application: Python or C++?

I know the Python programming language and the basics of C++ (I also know MySQL databases).
Recently there was an idea to create an assistant / reminder / diary with plans and similar interesting features. I want to write for Android, on my phone, so that such an application is always available.
What language is best for this? And is it possible to include artificial intelligence here, which will keep track of time and respond with a voice, or is it too fantastic?

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4 answer(s)
Sergey Vodakov, 2019-12-23

For Android development: Java, Kotlin, Dart (Flutter), now Kotlin is in trend
You can move part of the logic to the NDK (C ++), but you still can’t do without Java or Kotlin. And for this task, it is clearly not needed.
To track time and voice acting, you need to know the corresponding Android API (a couple of hours of studying the documentation).

DPS_ninja, 2019-12-23


Yerlan Ibraev, 2019-12-23

Learn Kotlin for Android Development :-)

dmshar, 2019-12-23

I know the Python programming language and the basics of C++ (I also know MySQL databases).
- it's not true, you don't know. Maximum - read half a book and wrote half a dozen training programs. If they really knew , they wouldn't ask questions "which is better".

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