motomac2016-08-29 06:53:49
motomac, 2016-08-29 06:53:49

Which mouse for macOS should you choose?

I use Magic Mouse at work. I really like touch scrolling and the ability to switch between desktops with a swipe. Everything else I don't like:

  1. Due to the low profile, there is nowhere to put the little finger, which is why it hurts;
  2. When not using the right mouse button, there is nowhere to put the middle finger. You have to put it on the table so that the touch does not work. Because of this, either the mouse turns towards itself, or the entire brush has to unnaturally turn away from itself.

At home I use a regular mouse from Genius. Everything is good in it, only a convenient scroll is missing. Scrolling with the wheel in macOS works very badly (with acceleration).
Question: Are there compromise mice with adequate touch scrolling (preferably not on the entire surface of the mouse) and an ergonomic shape? What mice do you use on macOS?

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Semchenko, 2016-08-29

I agree with DevMan : the mouse is a purely individual thing. so there is no point in giving advice.
Yuzayu: A4Tech Bloody v7 really can’t be configured, because the utility is only for Windows.
Acceleration normally works only with a native mouse, emulation by software does not make sense IMHO.

Alexey Cheremisin, 2016-08-29

I use the cheapest Logitech M90. With the scroll, everything is normal, a little noisy, the fingers are all in place.
At home, apple mouse is also nothing, but I practically don’t work at home.

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