Eugene2017-08-27 17:03:57
Eugene, 2017-08-27 17:03:57

Which mobile video card to choose?

I'm looking for a laptop for backend development and games, video encoding is not provided, the OS will be 2 (Mint and W10). I settled on 2 models (i5 7300hq, 8gb ram, ssd), they differ only in the video card (in one geforce 1050, in the second 1050ti, the RAM is the same - 4gb). The difference in cost is 7-10 rubles.
I found several reviews and results in benchmarks, the ti-version is faster in them (+15% fps), but in all the reviews the 1050 has 2gb of RAM and the 1050ti has 4gb. There is a suspicion that in the case of the same number of RAM, the performance difference with the ti-version will be even less.
Is it worth paying extra for a laptop with 1050ti 10k rubles?

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2017-08-27

Looking at what to play. 1050ti already now - the middle peasant without any special prospects. Taking 1050 seems like a losing option to me.
Well, make sure that you can put more than 8gb of memory.

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