miksayer2014-07-08 22:41:29
IT education
miksayer, 2014-07-08 22:41:29

Which magistracy in Europe is better to enter?

Good afternoon! I decided next year to continue my education in some magistracy in Europe. Tell me, please, what are the options here? Basic requirements: correspondence (remote) training, its quality and slightly higher cost.
PS University graduated last year (2013). Naturally, there are in view of the master's degree in her specialties. If it matters, then I am a citizen of Belarus.

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2 answer(s)
gangstarbeiter, 2014-07-14

Search here www.mastersportal.eu
Break university/faculty rankings here www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings (I would choose from the top hundred or even the top 50 in Europe).
In any case, you need a certificate of English proficiency, get ready and take the ASAP exam.
There is one big BUT. Zaochka and udalenka are usually paid, and are very robust. If I were you, I would try to find a remote job for 800 dollars a month and enter full-time (in Germany, Italy, France and several other European countries it is free or almost free and it’s not as difficult to do as it seems).
This is exactly what I did, and although I missed the program a little in the end, in general, I think this is the right way.

lookid, 2014-07-08

Are you going to start your studies on September 1, 2015? Then you need to be enrolled in the spring of 2015. Send documents, finally with a positive response, before January 1-March 2015. TOEFL, GRE (test) to pass before the end of summer or autumn, because. the result will be only after 2 weeks in electronic form and after another 6 weeks if you ask by mail. In fact, you should already have all the documents on hand and 100% confidence in passing the TOEFL, GRE (test) in the next 2-4 months, the deadline. If you are applying for the winter semester, then the documents must be submitted to the university, as a rule, before spring. Another CV, Cover Letter and 2 Recommendation Letter with signatures of authorized persons who will then be called.

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