ProgerSoft2019-06-25 20:31:38
ProgerSoft, 2019-06-25 20:31:38

Which Linux distribution to choose for programming?

I don't know which Linux distribution to choose for programming. I searched a lot on Google, YouTube, but did not find a normal answer. Someone advises Ubuntu, someone Debian, someone Arch, Gentoo, Manjaro, Kali, etc...
I also tried Ubuntu distributions, Mint, MX, Manjaro, Elementary, Deepin, but did not find the answer to my question .
Please tell me which distribution is better and why? If you go towards Arch, then choose him, Manjaro or Antergos. Or is a Debian branch better?
PS Does the graphical shell of linux matter?

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5 answer(s)
YuriyCherniy, 2019-06-25

Don't waste time choosing a distribution. Install Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu. Just choose LTS versions, they are more stable, you will spend less time fighting glitches and go ahead coding.

CityCat4, 2019-06-26

I have also tried Ubuntu distributions, Mint, MX, Manjaro, Elementary, Deepin,

1. What are the evaluation criteria? What do you like, what do you not like, what would you like, what would you not like?
2. What does "tried" mean? How was the "suitability" of the distribution assessed, by what actions?

Victor Taran, 2019-06-26

mint is friendlier, doesn't require any configuration, and is well supported.
No more difference

Exploding, 2017-08-25

$(function($) {
 $("#phone").mask("+99999999999",{placeholder:" "});

Oleg, 2017-08-25

$("#phone").mask("+ (999) 999-99-99");

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