aaaa-aaaa112020-06-21 19:27:02
aaaa-aaaa11, 2020-06-21 19:27:02

Which laptop or PC assembly to choose for a novice programmer?

I am a beginner programmer. I am currently learning python. Please tell me a laptop or computer assembly, budget up to 100k.
One programmer advised me this one - https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/978444ea62ab3332/1... , what do you say?

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7 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-06-21

Before you take up programming, you need to become a confident PC user, in particular, be able to assemble it for yourself.

Developer, 2020-06-21

Any python. Even a programmable calculator.
But you can also bug out on a smartphone

zorca, 2020-06-21

Xiaomi is awesome. The appearance is like that of an apple laptop, it is perfectly friendly with Windows and Ubuntu.

GavriKos, 2020-06-21

Anything is fine for a beginner python.
And so - more operatives (from 8 MINIMUM), definitely an SSD, a percentage of the budget, vidyahu nafig - the built-in is enough.

Artem, 2020-06-24

Why do you need a laptop for 85k without an OS? If for games, then it’s normal, a very good laptop for the same price than the same poppy, if for study, then I see no reason to take such a laptop as there are good laptops and for 50,60,70k, where will you sit coding + watch vidos, and then also play with an average fps, if you are constantly on the road, then take an ultrabook or the same poppy better, if you are sitting at home, you also study at home, then it is better to build a PC for 100k or even for 70-80, better to assemble a PC for 70-80k and buy a good monitor, than to take a laptop for 85 and GAME, it’s not convenient for you. I’ve been sitting at a laptop for 8 years, but I don’t have enough screen, it’s small, buy a better 20+ inch monitor and get high.
Therefore, of course, see for yourself, but my advice is better to build a good PC, and then collect some money and buy yourself a laptop purely for work or training.

Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-06-21

Take lenova tp 460 and above within your budget. Or even carbon x1 . If you plan to use acceleration on the map, then take a beech with a discrete card. Memory as they said 8 at least but better than 16 or 20. If you look on ebay, you can pick up a decent car for 50 thousand. And what is important, with a guarantee. The only costs are Russian stickers or laser engraving. As for the desktop, I will not say everything is very different here.

Karpion, 2020-06-23

You would at least name the operating system. Well, the direction of programming.

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