Denis2014-01-15 07:24:56
Amazon Kindle
Denis, 2014-01-15 07:24:56

Which is better for vision: Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (2013) or Kindle 5?

Good afternoon.
I want to buy an e-book. However, I have vision problems. In this regard, it would be highly undesirable for the reader to spoil the already poor eyesight. Therefore, the question arises, which is better for vision: Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (2013) or Kindle 5?

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2 answer(s)
VasylArtiushchenko, 2014-02-15

If you read paperwhite with backlight, then your eyes will get tired faster. Otherwise, there is no difference. for the eyes, these devices are absolutely not harmful. The problem is not in the harmfulness of the screen, but in the atrophy of the muscles of the crystal, when the object being read is constantly at the same distance from the eyes. Moreover, while reading, a person automatically begins to blink less, which dries up the mucous membrane and causes the effect of "sand in the eyes". Monitors harmful to the eyes are a thing of the past. So that there are no vision problems during long reading or working at a PC, we recommend eye gymnastics , very trite, but incredibly effective, verified from our own experience. So choose the device according to the appropriate functionality.

Trow_eu, 2014-06-15

I completely agree about the screens, I will add from the experience of using - I like 5 more, I (family) have 4 of them. it is more convenient to flip through with hard buttons and there is absolutely nothing superfluous.
I don't see why you should pay more.
the only negative after my old reader (some kind of pocket book) - if you throw books in a folder, it will still display in the general list. collections are usually broken =)

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