xtala zen2017-02-12 15:10:30
xtala zen, 2017-02-12 15:10:30

Which Internet Explorer should be considered when developing?

I searched for a similar question on the toaster and did not find it. So let it be.
Question: what versions of internet explorer should be considered in 2017 when developing the front-end, and which ones can be safely forgotten? This means development for public sites, and not for highly specialized projects (I heard that some enterprises still use IE 6).

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4 answer(s)
Dmitry Belyaev, 2017-02-12

IE is officially deprecated and those who use it are unlikely to bring you profit, so it’s quite possible to focus on Edge, which has much fewer problems, and on IE10+ almost everything is treated using polyfill.io
But which of the dinosaurs is really worth paying attention to - Safari, I personally try to support 8+, which in turn is also treated by polyfill.io

xxvxx, 2017-02-12

if you look at the statistics here https://www.openstat.com/counter:meta/trends/repor... then it is clear that this one hundredth of a percent is so insignificant that it is their problem, it's time to forget about IE 6 and 7 brothers (this their problems)
although this is purely my subjective opinion

d43, 2017-02-12

What are "public sites"? There is always a target audience. If it's youth and IT people, then IE11+. If the site, say, is for accountants, then definitely IE8, since they often just have to sit on it. In the code of one of my sites, I generally stuck this piece:

<!--[if IE]><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/errors/browser/"><![endif]-->
    <noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/errors/browser/"></noscript>
    <script>if (!window.history) { window.location = "/errors/browser/"; }</script>

On /errors/browser/ the user is explained in popular science that his browser is shit and is offered to install a better option. Naturally, just in case, the administrator's email is indicated - not a single complaint for a year.

Nikita Melikhov, 2017-02-14

IE10 at least.
Throw out a warning about possible problems to older ones.

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