Omich2015-01-13 01:43:50
Omich, 2015-01-13 01:43:50

Which html5 audio player to choose to be able to hide the playback source?

The question is the following - it is necessary to play files on the site, but in such a way that the actual location of the file is not visible either in the source code of the page or anywhere else. That is, so that it cannot be downloaded directly (without authorization).
Tell me which way to dig, I'm a little at a loss. And in general, is it possible to do this?

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3 answer(s)
xmoonlight, 2015-01-13

UPD2: well, you do your own file upload handler and that's it. In it, you check the authorization (through a normal session) and if everything is ok, give *.mp3.
You can even leave the files in place as they are and not rename them. Put a request interceptor to .mp3 via mod_rewrite on the handler and that's it.

SagePtr, 2015-01-13

Apply steganography, for example, cram pictures with cats onto the page, and cram an audio file into the pictures, which will later be assembled with a script.

Alexander Aksentiev, 2015-01-13

Temporary video links - hotlink protection

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