colorkid2017-01-03 23:43:30
colorkid, 2017-01-03 23:43:30

Which FroneEnd build system to choose? Grunt, gulp or webpack?

I close the circle of mastering the skills of a frontend developer. The last bastion of what has not been mastered is assembly systems.
Help me make a choice, which grunt / gulp / webpack is more relevant now? How much they differ. I heard that grunt is very simple for beginners, and really, I just watched the video, everything is extremely clear and really simple, I think an hour or two, and it's done. Should I choose grunt for its simplicity? Are the other assemblers much more difficult to master? What do you advise?

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3 answer(s)
Konstantin Kitmanov, 2017-01-04

In general, webpack is in a slightly different weight category, grunt / gulp tools are more general purpose. But! webpack covers probably 90% of the tasks usually assigned to task runners. 7.5 of the rest is covered by npm scripts, while 2.5 is complex cases where there is no way without a runner :)
grunt is still quite a working tool, and, in my opinion, its configs are much more readable than gulp, but the reality is that at work, you will most likely come across a project on gulp or generally on one webpack.

Oleg, 2017-01-03

You can forget about grunt, study gulp, if you plan to write a lot of JS, then immediately study webpack after the gallp.

Javid Askerov, 2017-01-04

Webpack is now quite common, so you need to collect some kind of config, but on the other hand, it makes no sense to worry too much about this. Basically, the main thing is that the project works. There are ready-made configs and boilerplates and there is nothing wrong with using them.
Gulp vs Grunt - Gulp seems like an obvious choice, although grunt is also used. As for relevance, well-known front-end developers recommend switching to npm scripts .
In general, if the work does not dictate the technology stack now, then the choice is yours. Whatever you like, take it.

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