Sergey2015-03-24 15:58:53
Game development
Sergey, 2015-03-24 15:58:53

Which engine to choose for real-time strategy?

Please advise which engine is best for real-time strategy?
You need a free one or with a not-so-crippled free version.
The game is planned in 3D with good quality animation, that is, the engine must be powerful and support the import of models from 3D modeling programs.
Also, many calculations are planned to calculate the behavior of AI as well as zone damage to units with a change in their behavior and characteristics.
If anyone knows, tell me what "Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War" or "Behind enemy lines" are written on

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2 answer(s)
Daniil Basmanov, 2015-03-24

If games have not been made before, then the easiest way to start is with Unity . There are a bunch of plugins for it, including one for RTS . Here you can see some of the strategies that were made on it.

AlexLIn, 2015-03-24

I used to fiddle with https://springrts.com/
Very good AI out of the box. www.gamebryo.com
has an examples folder right away where there is a working rts toy. In general, you can do it on any game engine that you like. www.indiedb.com/engines

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