MRcracker2019-05-27 12:43:00
Online shopping
MRcracker, 2019-05-27 12:43:00

Which engine for an online store is better to choose?

Tell me, which engine for an online store of goods is better to choose? Online store planned is not very complex. The main thing is to be able to pay online by card, set up SEO and link with 1s. Thank you all for your replies)))

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6 answer(s)
irishmann, 2019-05-27

1С Bitrix

Orkhan Hasanli, 2019-05-27

If you choose WordPress, then for integration with 1C you will encounter this:
the cost is $99. It will be necessary to integrate 1C with Woocomemrce + this plugin,
most other 1C integration solutions are already outdated

Sanes, 2019-05-27

CS-Cart or Bitrix. If you don’t want suffering later and their functionality is enough for you.

Nikolai Steshenko, 2019-05-27

If the project will only have an online store, I recommend using open cart . I can help you implement.

Eugene, 2019-05-28

Check out HostCMS

Mikhail Kobzarev, 2019-05-28

Definitely WooCommerce.

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