Phorcys2021-05-29 03:18:38
Computer networks
Phorcys, 2021-05-29 03:18:38

Which emulator to choose for a virtual network laboratory?

Hello, there was a need for a home laboratory to emulate at least Cisco devices (routers and l2 / l3 switches) and Fortinet (Fortigate). What do you advise? GNS3, EVE-NG or something else? I recently installed EVE-NG, but ended up having various problems installing the necessary firmware. Given:
Server with ESXi 6.7
CPU: 12 cores and 24 threads (3.06-3.46 GHz)
RAM: 64 GB
What is better to deploy on it? If you have experience in deploying a large-scale virtual network, then I will not refuse your advice (how much and which device to allocate memory, what firmware to use, etc.) or links to practical materials on this issue. I myself am also looking, but I am sure that experienced network engineers probably already have a lot of experience in deploying a virtual laboratory for experiments.

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2 answer(s)
Quantor Lab., 2021-07-18

I did not unfold anything global, but in any case GNS3 most fully reflects the emulation of the functions of network devices, at least Cisco.
PS: By the way, the topic turned out to be well developed here - https://habr.com/ru/post/494504/

Harry, 2021-08-16

I use both, or rather how I use it, in EVE I go to ready-made projects in order to test something. and if you need to build new ones, then only in GNS3, if you transfer projects from EVE to GNS3, then you can delete the willow, again, this is my opinion and it may differ from other
GNS3 - better. IMHO

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