Vadim Belkin2015-06-03 11:59:30
Vadim Belkin, 2015-06-03 11:59:30

Which CSS preprocessor should you choose?

Learned about preprocessors a few years ago and LESS was chosen for the purpose of learning. The choice fell on him primarily because of the possibility of using it immediately in the layout, without assembly by compilers. Recently started using Gulp and JADE. I quickly got used to the JADE syntax, and it's faster to work with JADE code than with pure HTML. Now I'm thinking about switching to another CSS preprocessor, and since I know only 2 of them (LESS and SASS), I accordingly began to look closely at SASS. In terms of syntax, the construction seemed similar to JADE, there are no closing and opening brackets, nesting due to tabulation is done as far as I understand. Seemed easier to write. I also stumbled upon Stylus, but haven't gotten to know it yet.
Can you advise which preprocessor to choose? There are many comparison articles on the Internet, but they all seemed to me the same type and similar. The opinions of those who have worked with several preprocessors are interesting.

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12 answer(s)
Denis Ineshin, 2015-06-03

All top preprocessors provide an approximately equal set of features and are very very powerful. There will always be people who will say that they like the X preprocessor, because there is a killer feature that they cannot live without, but this is all a matter of taste. So just choose the preprocessor whose syntax you like. That's the whole principle.

Matvey Mamonov, 2015-06-03

Used SASS (namely SCSS).
Firstly, I suffered terribly using it.
Under Windows did not want to work flatly.
Only with crutches and Compass started working under Ubuntu.
Second, it's the same as learning a new language.
Honestly, the only (!) plus I found in using these preprocessors is that you can use variables. And that's it.
You probably won't need anything else if you're already writing smooth code.
Better instead of learning the same SASS, learn CSS. Seriously, that would make more sense.
There is actually a lot more to it (plain CSS) than you might think.
A preprocessor will not make your life much easier.
I know you will still try at least one preprocessor, even despite my answer.

Alexander Goncharov, 2015-06-11

I just answered a similar question here , but I will repeat and supplement the answer.
The most important thing is, as already mentioned, your own taste and community. Are there any good articles about a particular preprocessor on the blogs you're used to reading? Do they make clear videos about them?
Matvey Mamonov wrote in favor of regular CSS, but obviously forgot about the methodologies (BEM, SMACSS), which, in addition to the understandable organization of the file tree, bring OOP principles, such as encapsulation, to the CSS world. Without preprocessors, it is impossible to actually make a DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) project that will be conveniently scaled and used by other people.
Vladimir Chernyshevwrote in favor of postprocessors, but they actually make you forget a lot of information that allows you to more fully understand and optimize the code. The postprocessor is always a black box that cannot be controlled and which only gives the final result (the question is what).
Sass is very easy to work with and, I must admit, it is the most geeky of all preprocessors, because all algorithmic structures (following, branching, looping) are more convenient to write on it, you can make very rollicking tools.

Vladislav Bezenson, 2015-06-11

I had to work with LESS, SCSS, Compass (the same SCSS, only with additional features). I like LESS the most. First, it's compilation speed. LESS can compile 6 times faster than SCSS. Its syntax is not as strict as SCSS (at least it seemed to me)). Compass has all sorts of features, like sprite generation, for example. However, with the help of all sorts of gulp / grunt plugins, you can do this for less.

zooks, 2015-06-03

SASS in SCSS syntax. Preferably on node.js (libsass).

sivabur, 2015-06-03

Well, try the stylus and then you will choose from the three that you like best. Well, and most importantly, it should be practical, and you could evaluate what it is and it really gives an increase in the speed of work, you get less confused, edit the code faster, and the like. That is, there is no need to run after fashion. Practicality transcends everything.

SnowElephant, 2015-06-12

stylus. Why write ";" after every line? Well, curly brackets are also not needed.

Maxim Grechushnikov, 2015-06-03

but in general the question is what type of pen is better to write a letter. blue or black.
which one is more convenient and write

Sergey, 2015-06-03

The choice fell on him primarily because of the possibility of using it immediately in the layout, without assembly by compilers.

To me, this is clearly overkill. Instead of compiling the css once on the developer's machine, it is compiled on every client on every request.
And on the topic - I worked with LESS and SCSS. did not notice the difference. The only thing I couldn't do for less right off the bat was watch a single file and recompile when it changes. But, it wasn’t really necessary, so it’s most likely solved

Vladimir Chernyshev, 2015-06-11

It seems that post-processors have been in the trend lately.

Nikolai Gromov, 2015-06-11

start with LESS, then learn SCSS and Stylus
picking just one is weird.

Voskan Voskanyan, 2017-07-31

CSS preprocessors

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