Dmitry2017-10-25 01:40:47
Dmitry, 2017-10-25 01:40:47

Which crypto wallet to choose?

Goodnight! Tell me if there is any verified wallet with a minimum commission for transferring small amounts, preferably with the ability to create multi-wallets (for example, so that you can create several accounts for BTC), if there is at least something close to this, I will be glad))

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2 answer(s)
Andrey Dugin, 2017-10-25


pro100yurio, 2017-10-25

apibtc.com is one of the few bitcoin storage services that suits me and that I use. Here it is possible to change the commission manually or choose from the offered 4 options (Priority, Normal, Economy, Super Economy). You can also have multiple wallets. And it's best to just read the faq, everything is very clearly written there, or write to online support.59f050edad0dd875653244.png

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