Alex_Alex111100002021-05-21 10:38:38
IT education
Alex_Alex11110000, 2021-05-21 10:38:38

Which course to choose on the Vue framework for a beginner Tocode, Kochergin or some other?

Looking for a beginner course on Vue. At the moment among my applicants:


  1. course from the site tocode (downloaded on the rutracker);
  2. course from Alexander Kocherygin (downloaded there).

And here the question arose, which author will really give a good base in a language understandable for a beginner for working with Vue.js, that is, so that with this knowledge one can apply in the future at least for a fronted junior trainee.

Yes, I myself still know JavaScript at a basic level (arrays, loops (for in, for of, for, while, do while), conditions, 8 data types, object creation , working with DOM (obtaining an object and binding events to it, as well as delegation), functions, scope and some methods for working with arrays, strings and the Math mathematical object)

Console, I can work with Element (find elements on pages, change them attributes and styles), Console (watch errors and log them to the console using console.log)

JayQuery also the basics

Plus, there is also practice in the form of a couple of mini applications and one half (so far) made "Task Scheduler" - f0543313.xsph.ru (yes, I coded in js5 there, because I only recently learned about js6, I will learn it too )

This is what I was saying that I didn’t immediately decide to start the framework from scratch, but already having a small base behind me + I’m not going to stop and, in parallel with Vue, I will continue to learn and practice Javascript. I just need to decide on the course, because as I understand Vue, this will be the main tool in my future work.

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1 answer(s)
Gary_Ihar, 2021-05-21

Try to start with the documentation, Vue has it incredibly clear. If he doesn't go, well, then go to the courses.

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