kvoruswave2014-12-20 11:05:39
kvoruswave, 2014-12-20 11:05:39

Which CMS can handle the heavy load of Wordpress or Joomla?

There is a small old news site on Joomla 1.5, attendance is about 10K per day.
Recently, it has become unstable to behave when a lot of people come in.
I plan to start promoting, but there were doubts whether it would survive, and it wasn’t me who did it and I’m not very friendly with Jumla. I can use Wordpress myself, so I thought, what if I translate it to Wordpress?

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4 answer(s)
Ilya Evseev, 2014-12-20

10k per day is an average of about one every 8 seconds. It's not a load. Even during peak hours.
The problem is solved by reading logs, finding a bottleneck, optimizing settings.
The configuration is not specified in the question, so there will be no specifics in the answer either.
Keywords: nginx, xcache or apc, innodb, memcached.

maaGames, 2014-12-20

The hoster may have restrictions for the tariff used. For example, no more than 5 requests per second if more than 300 users are connected. Etc. If the limits are exceeded, then either the priority of your requests is reduced or it is generally blocked for a second or two. This is a finger guess, read the logs first, as already advised.

WordPress WooCommerce, 2014-12-22

It's more of a plugin issue.
In terms of load, WP definitely holds it better. On its basis, more large and loaded portals have been made.
But in terms of devouring resources - that's the question. And it depends more on the plugins and caching methods used. You have to try, everything is very individual)
And then optimize, increase server resources, or reduce the cost of requests and processing, changing or rewriting plugins, setting up the cache.

FRZ00, 2014-12-25

Joomla 1.5 has been deprecated and is no longer supported. In terms of security and performance, you yourself understand that things are not going well for 1.5.
The current version at the moment is 3.3. If you don’t overload it with plugins, set up the cache and don’t install studio templates that work through the zhora, then you get a good result with minimal labor.
Remodeling is a definite thing. If you are not friends with joomla, then WP of course.

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