Anton2017-10-09 04:27:00
Anton, 2017-10-09 04:27:00

Which area of ​​programming is not expected to change much in the future?

Let's take the web, namely the front-end.
I know that there are a large number of different js frameworks, mb they are similar and an experienced person will quickly deal with them, but anyway, you need to spend precious time on this. The front end includes other technologies, which also change in turn.
And for a person who wants to have leisure, this is not good.
What kind of technology stack do you think exists such that in the future it will not be necessary to learn something very new, constantly monitor the latest innovations and at the same time get a decent plan for work?
So far, my candidates are mobile development, for example, for iOS.

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4 answer(s)
eRKa, 2017-10-09

Question from the category: If I knew the buyback, I would live in Sochi) Personally, I have no confidence in any technology.
Firstly, if it does not change, then it is dying or no one needs it, or the developers of this technology do not care about it. Therefore, I am in favor of changing them, being on the pulse of the community, listening to those who use it.
Secondly, the requirements of the IT sphere are increasing by a snowball and a technology that is barely developing will not be competitive. Why should I study this technology?
So it's better not to look for easy ways and study, study and study again)

Nikita, 2017-10-09

for a person who wants to have leisure, this is not good.
in the future, there will be no need to learn something very new, constantly monitor the latest innovations and at the same time get a decent plan for work

The most rational thing with such requests is to choose a field of activity other than IT. There is such a stereotype that development is the sphere of “no-lifers”, for whom sitting from dawn to dusk in front of the monitor (learning a new framework, language, committing to open source, etc.) is the best leisure in the world. And like everyone who is against this lifestyle will always lag behind the "nolifers" in this area. There is an opinion that this is not a stereotype))
By the way, employers also support this image, and preference is given not to someone who owns the technology and has been working on it regularly from 9 to 17 in some company for N years, but who will bring a stellar github account for interviews, their own projects, links to publications , portfolio and other signs of a lack of personal life. Otherwise, they will put the stigma "uninvolved" and hear "we will call you back."
Can you imagine such a situation in construction, medicine, engineering, law, etc.? It is unlikely, because such a hell is going on only in the IT sector with "an acute shortage of personnel"))
As for the front-end, no one knew about these frameworks until 2013, and in just 3-4 years, a dozen such hypanuls have already gone out of fashion. Ahead of webassembly and the devil knows what else. iOS? Such a stable sphere type? Until 2007, java midlets and symbian applications were even more stable... where are they now?)) Look on the toaster for questions from ios specialists with 5 years of experience on the topic "Where did the orders go? Why is there no work?", a lot of interesting you learn about "stability")) It remains, as advised above - a dull and cumbersome enterprise, there is not so much fever.
IT is one of the areas where, in order to stay in place, you need to run as fast as you can (more precisely, spend days, weeks, years at the monitor with all your might). If this prospect does not rush you now, on the shore, then draw conclusions :)

xmoonlight, 2017-10-09

For the front - HTML5 and Javascript .
Learn all the most popular HTML5 objects/tags and basic javascript functions/methods/patterns and for 5 years you will definitely only supplement your knowledge.

Zakharov Alexander, 2017-10-09

I think that in the near future the requirements for candidates when applying for a job will not change.

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