Rulon Oboevv2016-03-11 21:05:50
Rulon Oboevv, 2016-03-11 21:05:50

Where to write numbers so that Python would count them?

car = input ("Техническое обслуживанаие машины 'Ламборгини':  ") 
rent = (input("Съем раскошной квартиры В Манхэттене:  ")) 
jet = (input("Аренда самолета:  ")) 
gifts = (input("Подарки:  ")) 
food = (input("Обеды и ужины в ресторанах:  ")) 
staff = (input("Жалованье прислуги:  ")) 
guru = (input("Плата личному психоаналитику: ")) 
games = (input("Компьютерные игры:  ")) 
total = car + rent + jet + gifts + food + staff + guru + games 
print("\nОбщая сумма:", total)

An assignment from a Python textbook, I don’t know where to insert the numbers, so that at the end I can calculate everything

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4 answer(s)
MK, 2016-03-11

"It makes me cry"...
Go read the textbook normally.

Dimonchik, 2016-03-11

Dawson is a test troll

sim3x, 2016-03-11

Compare two lines and think where is the mistake

car = input ("Техническое обслуживанаие машины 'Ламборгини':  ") 
rent = (input("Съем раскошной квартиры В Манхэттене:  "))

Sergey Pankov, 2016-03-22

Look closely at these two lines:
car = input ("Lamborghini Maintenance: ")
rent = (input("Luxury Apartment Rent In Manhattan: "))
The first stores the value entered by the user under the name car, and the second stores there a tuple with one element - the value entered by the user.
When adding tuples, they are concatenated, which was clearly not required in the assignment.
Remove extra brackets.

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