ksurill2013-11-16 12:24:27
ksurill, 2013-11-16 12:24:27

Where to start learning javascript?

Not so long ago I took up the layout of sites, i.e. I know html and css, but I don't know any programming languages. Sometimes there is a need to rewrite some ready-made solutions for myself, but I run into a lack of knowledge. And in such cases, you have to rely on intuition.
Recommend some lessons on js, preferably in Russian.
Or maybe you need to start not with js, but with something else?

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9 answer(s)
banquet, 2013-11-16

Javascript is the perfect first language nominee. As already mentioned above - http://learn.javascript.ru/, necessarily -
JavaScript. Detailed guide - David Flanagan. Despite the large size, after reading, you will not have more than half of the questions that are asked in the comments on learn.javascript.
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja - John Reisig - very helpful in understanding closures. JavaScript. Templates - Stefanov S. - the name speaks for itself.

Little_CJIOH, 2013-11-16


Masterme, 2013-11-16

> Sometimes there is a need to rewrite some ready-made solutions for myself, but I run into a lack of knowledge. And in such cases, you have to rely on intuition.
Well, if mom and dad didn’t teach that you can Google “javascript tutorial” or “javascript lessons” or open the original example and see how it’s done, then yes, it remains to rely on intuition. You can also pray.

Pavel Sakhnov, 2013-11-16

I want to add to the above sources of knowledge, as well as David McFarland's book "JavaScript and jQuery a comprehensive guide" Before I was presented with this book, it was not possible to consistently approach the issue of learning. And now, in combination with a couple of video courses, I read this book, complete tasks and noticeably moved off the ground in the matter of comprehension.

yll3, 2013-11-16

Here is a great site!
Simple and clear, but in English.

Reexel, 2013-11-16

A month ago, I didn't even know what JavaScript was. Sensei at uni sent to that link sent by bahek2462774, passed the JavaScript toy today. According to the link, everything is written and understandable, the main thing is not to be lazy to do tasks and not immediately climb into solutions. Happy studying!

Ivan Boldyrev, 2013-11-17

One fine day, I got interested in the JavaScript language and I sat down and started learning, after learning the basics a little, I decided to start writing my first code in Node.Js and ran into difficulties. But the learn.javascript.ru/ project helped me understand a lot. So I recommend not to be lazy, but to sit comfortably in an armchair, make tea and view this course.

Vladimir Dementiev, 2017-05-10

I started JS with Angular. If you have experience in other languages ​​(C++ C# java PHP), have a concept of types, classes, arrays, then there should be no big problems. It is only necessary to learn how to request data (RESTs) and display them. And then it's a matter of experience.

DM99, 2018-10-11

Well, I saw HTML5 and CSS3 courses in Russian on the ITVDN channel, if you don’t take YouTube into account, but I haven’t watched it myself, so I can’t guarantee anything directly. But here I saw and passed JS, Essential and Advanced, so here I can say with a calm soul that the courses are not bad, the author lays out the material very worthily.
+ The language itself is by and large not as important as the technologies associated with the language. And the technologies there are not far from the language, so it's generally convenient)
From the books - "HTML5 and CSS3 web development". I do not remember the author, but I read the book once, it is very good.
Link to the channel - itvdn.com

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