Sergey2020-08-17 21:51:52
Probability theory
Sergey, 2020-08-17 21:51:52

Where to read in detail and accessible about probabilities and probability distributions?

We are doing a small service, but there is not enough understanding of working with probabilities.
From what I quickly found - an article about probability distributions, both this and this one are already of a more general content.
Terver was a very long time ago, so I want an article (but not from textbooks) with examples like for a schoolboy, but with good examples (more than heads / tails) and elaboration for better understanding. Does anyone know good material on this topic?

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1 answer(s)
D3lphi, 2020-08-17

Vladimir Gmurman: Probability Theory and Mathematical ...
As accessible as possible and in sufficient detail.

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