CosmoMegaSuperBlaster2015-09-15 00:14:00
CosmoMegaSuperBlaster, 2015-09-15 00:14:00

Where to look for vacancies for a programmer in Gamedev?

A bit of background:
I am a 2nd year student in applied mathematics. A bit of an Olympiad, I study exc. I love programming very much (I can accidentally sit down and write something until the morning). I love gamedev very much, I made a couple of small games on Unity and UE4 from scratch.
So, recently there was a wild desire to start working already, so that the skills I acquired would already begin to bring at least some, at least purely symbolic, income. I started looking at all kinds of job exchanges and, to my surprise, out of the whole mass of vacancies for programmers in gamedev, I found only 2 vacancies for juniors like me.
Actually the question itself: tell me how, where to look and, preferably, find studios that will take an inexperienced fighter?
I study at MIET, Moscow, Zelenograd. Moving in connection with education, of course, is impossible.

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6 answer(s)
GavriKos, 2015-09-15

You probably need to guess the country with the city ... Okay. Vacancies are searched for in the same place as everywhere else - on hunting sites. You can also take a chance on gamedev.ru to look. In general, you make a selection of studios in your city (moving is not considered, right?) And look at their websites for vacancies. Plus, send your resume anywhere and everywhere. Even if no one needs a junior right now, you will get into the HR database, and then they will remember you. May be...

Elizaveta Borisova, 2015-09-15

Since we are talking about part-time work and remotely, you need to join an indie team, and also take simple orders for a unit. Write to me (contacts in the profile), I can add it to the gamedev chat, where you can ask about the job.

xmoonlight, 2015-09-15


Curly Brace, 2015-09-15

you can also go the indie way

alek-dan, 2019-08-27

Of course, I respond late, but still - maybe it will help others)
For Unity, the threshold for entering game dev is lower than for C++, but you still have to work hard!
I recommend using the search on the InGameJob.com web resource, more than 139 vacancies for Unity developers are published here . I would respond to all vacancies marked Junior and describe my skills in detail --> the resource is free --> there are many indie companies that are very happy to employ junior level candidates.
As an option - there are profile groups in social networks FB and VK
Jobs in
gamedev Gamedev - ads
Cozy gamedev
Jobs in
gamedev GameDev - Game development Jobs in gamedev
Game design vacancies | Game design | Game Design
Ukraine GameDev
Game Developers - Ukraine
Where you can join an indie team and work for a portfolio and an opportunity to make a profit after the release.

Yuri Chumakov, 2015-09-24

I will join the advice of Elena Borisova - indie. True, I advise you to write too.

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