maverickk2018-03-26 23:26:55
User interface
maverickk, 2018-03-26 23:26:55

Where to get examples of good interfaces?

At the moment I'm trying to do interface design. While starting with the web, mobile is not the first (
The advice was said to copy other people's work for the first time, for the concept of the essence. So, on the same behance, in the ratings the interfaces are two years old and due to ignorance of the sphere, it seems that this is possible outdated solutions.What
to rely on to develop that very sense of conciseness, style?
Thanks for the answer.

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4 answer(s)
dom1n1k, 2018-03-26

in the ratings, the interfaces are two years old and due to ignorance of the sphere, it seems that these are probably outdated solutions.
What to rely on to develop that same sense of conciseness, style?

Two years ago...
I'll tell you a clever thing, but don't be offended.
The "sense of conciseness" can begin to be trained by studying, say, Swiss typography, which - just don't faint - is about 60 years old. And let only someone try to say that it is outdated.

Sanes, 2018-03-26


Nina Pykhtina, 2018-03-29

Oh my god, what planet are you from? If you need fresh ideas in terms of innovation, then I usually get inspired by the Awards . If you want to look for ideas purely visually on the UI, then Pinterest will help you. If you need UX advice then here and here is a lot of good advice and ideally if you know the language follow these guys and these guys. They develop advanced solutions in terms of user interface market analytics and do a lot of research on this topic.

Nekita Zatravin, 2018-03-28

Modernity in interfaces is not always a sign of a good interface.
If the question is about design, then it is better to combine the analysis of the interfaces of large companies with reading specialized literature (Itten, Cooper, Raskin, etc.). In this sense, I like Yandex. I have never had any major problems using their products.
And if the question is only about design, then there is no definite answer. Beauty is different for everyone.

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