wufapexef2018-03-28 00:26:08
wufapexef, 2018-03-28 00:26:08

Where to gain practice on working with arrays and objects?

According to my observations, 50% of all JS skill is knowledge of arrays and objects. Where can you get practice for this? In addition to real projects, this is understandable. Were there any tasks, etc., to get into the topic in practice?

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3 answer(s)
Stalker_RED, 2018-03-28

You can practice on codewars.com , at the same time dispel your illusions at the expense of 50% of the entire skill.
Only chur - at first you try to solve it yourself, and only if it doesn’t work out at all - look at other people's solutions. And after you decide, you can compare your decision with the rest. Sometimes very surprising.

Ningaro, 2018-03-28

You make a project on a topic that interests you and "drive in practice." Personally, I myself always wanted to start a bot in Discord, I opened the Discord Js library and with the help of this I improved my knowledge in Node.js, JS in general and JSON

McBernar, 2018-03-28

No, just practice. Come up with a mini-project and implement it. This is a thousand times more useful than solving synthetic problems about factorials and other natural numbers.

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