Alexander Petrov2019-12-03 18:54:44
Network administration
Alexander Petrov, 2019-12-03 18:54:44

Where to buy a server in America?

I have one site. People living in the United States began to come to me, so in order for requests to be processed faster, a server is needed closer to them. Plus, I need to parse one site that blocks requests from Russia.
Based on this, I decided to purchase a server. Now I have a server purchased from vscale. Recommend trusted companies providing VPS services in America.

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6 answer(s)
arenami, 2019-12-05

I use Vultr . Flight is normal. For $5 there is. Maybe even still left for $ 2.5 - if not canceled. What is better than the same DigitalOcean? For example, the fact that DigitalOcean does not allow you to set the PTR value on DNS through the panel. Only through support. And then, if support allows.
Also has Win 10. DO doesn't.
Linda is fine too.
All 3 have servers in the US.

Ivan Shumov, 2019-12-03

get the idea of ​​another server out of your head, install a CDN. For example, Cloudflare or Fastly

Andrey Gavrilov, 2019-12-03

Amazon aws, digitalocean

Sanes, 2019-12-03

If you mess up, drive with a filthy broom.

Vitaly Karasik, 2019-12-03

DigitalOcean, Linode

Find VPS, 2019-12-09

We can recommend you another OVH - they have a site in the USA. A very stable hoster and allow setting IP directly on the interface without "shamanism"
And we advise you to pay attention to the site to select a suitable VPS
Here you can find reviews on hosters from real users! Fake reviews are not allowed for publication - every review is checked!

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