Oligophren2018-08-24 16:22:22
Search Engine Optimization
Oligophren, 2018-08-24 16:22:22

Where to blog if it is aimed at lead generation?

Colleagues, hello everyone!
I want to start writing my blog with technical articles and case studies on my work profile in order to attract clients.
Are there any simple rules and best practices that I can follow and get adequate traffic considering the uniqueness and quality of the content?
Is there any fundamental difference between your own domain + wordpress and some kind of ready-made blog hosting (I tend to my own domain, but ready-made blog hosting seems to be a better place in terms of SEO)?
Thanks in advance for your replies and advice.

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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Yudin, 2018-08-24

A blog on vc.ru or habr.com will be better than your own domain if your blog matches the topic.
In general, there are general rules for optimizing blog content that apply regardless of the platform. You can read in detail about optimizing blog pages in this article on Habré https://habr.com/post/352908/

cybernoob, 2018-08-24

On the contrary, blogs on ready-made blog hosting sites are almost invisible and are not ranked in the search now, because they were once scored with dorams

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