SaimonTamerlanov2020-10-20 16:52:18
System administration
SaimonTamerlanov, 2020-10-20 16:52:18

Where should the system administrator store information?

Good afternoon, such a question has ripened, where should the system administrator store information?
Today I store IP addresses of computers, servers, telephones, printers, video cameras, employees' mail and any similar information in Exele, are there any systems that allow you to store it differently, I don’t know how to correctly call this software, "CRM" for system administrator so that he can store some information and files in one place

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11 answer(s)
Sasha Odarchuk, 2020-10-20

Monitoring system.
Github / Gitlab
It is very rare to find a single and convenient tool where you can keep everything and normally keep everything up to date!

Dmitry, 2020-10-20

One system is definitely not enough. From what I use or have used before, we can advise:
NOC Project - a very universal solution, though sharpened more for network administration and rather monstrous in terms of installing
phpIpam - a fairly convenient IP address accounting system
Redmine - service desk and Wiki
TeamPass - password manager

xmoonlight, 2020-10-20

Check out this product ( documentation ).

Dimon Durak, 2020-10-29

As an IPAM system, I recommend Netbox , good, useful software on python / django

paran0id, 2020-10-20

Technical data - in an inventory system, such as GLPI.
User data - in the domain.
To have everything in one place, you can implement some kind of service desk system that integrates with it all.

CityCat4, 2020-10-20

Redmine (good because it has a huge ton of different features - from Gantt charts to forums and wikis)

Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-10-20

Store on an encrypted drive.

Valentine, 2020-10-20

IP addresses of computers, servers, telephones, printers, video cameras

Solutions like IPAM. Depending on the amount of data and the number of users, different products (from Excel to industrial Network Resource Inventory).
For servers - solutions like CMDB.
There will be no single tool, since everyone has their own peculiarity. Well, you have to dance from your needs, for maintaining an IP plan on small projects, excel works fine for me with uploading to confluence.

Yerlan Ibraev, 2020-10-21

Uh wiki?!

mr-spouk, 2020-10-21

I use a luks-container under the .home/ partition + a separate 1gig luks-container for any private information related to system administration/keys/certificates/cookies and so on. I synchronize the container with my home computer/laptop/portable hard drive. + VeraCrypt container with similar data. Covers all requests and allows you not to tear your hair on your head in case of loss / theft of a screw / laptop / computer.

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