Egor2016-02-18 11:09:35
Egor, 2016-02-18 11:09:35

Where is the error in the sample code written in PHP?

Hello! Please tell me where is the error in the code written in PHP?
Here is the form page:

    <form name="form1" action="ex1.php" method="post">
      <select name="item" size="5">
      <input type="submit" value="ВВОД">

And here is the action code in PHP:
    <title>Обработка списка</title>
      echo "Ваш заказ: <p><ul>";
      foreach ( $item as $value ) echo "<li>$value</li>";
      echo "</ul>";

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4 answer(s)
Silm, 2016-02-18
Repiev @ega22a

You forgot to specify what error you are getting. Or what is the actual problem.

foreach ( $item as $value ) echo "<li>$value</li>";
on the
foreach ( $_POST['item'] as $value ) echo "<li>$value</li>";

GreatRash, 2016-02-18

There are no errors in the given code. besides the fact that the hell you understand where you come from $item comes from .

Dmitry Kovalsky, 2016-02-18

The select has a name attribute, but its options do not have a value attribute. I can't say anything about PHP - I don't know this language.

Nurlan, 2016-02-18

HZ what kind of error, maybe short_tags are not enabled in PHP? Or forgot to pass $_POST['item'] to the page as $item? Also "p" tag is not closed and option without value.
P.S. How about:

    <title>Обработка списка</title>
    Ваш заказ:
        <?foreach ( $item as $value ) :?>

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