igordata2015-06-25 12:19:20
Server equipment
igordata, 2015-06-25 12:19:20

Where in the world can you find a 10 GB channel for reasonable money?

Good afternoon!
Maybe someone came across. The server requires a channel of 10 gigabits. Where to find cheaper?
If anyone knows - tell me.
Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Vlad Zhivotnev, 2015-06-25

https://www.100tb.com/ - from $305

Roman Terekhin, 2015-06-25

There are 10 Gbps on linode, but there are clouds, and such a channel is at the highest rate, about 1k batches, well, of course, for such grandmas they give 20 cores, 96G RAM and a terabyte of SSD disk.

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