Dimka52015-12-04 14:32:51
Web development
Dimka5, 2015-12-04 14:32:51

Where does the favicon of Habrakhabar and other "similar" sites come from?

You need to get the URL of the favicon, any ( habrahabr.ru/post/260777/) but the best of all is the one that is displayed in the browser tab, but on some sites it is not in the html code. For example, Khabar has only one line in the head related to the icon.

<link href="/images/apple-touch-icon_142x142.png" rel="apple-touch-icon" type="image/png">

Moreover, this is not at all the icon that is displayed in the browser tab (it is clear that it could also be picked up). Then where does it come from? Chrome and Firefox developer tools did not help (maybe I was looking badly), I looked at the code, requests and javascript (suddenly there is Shadow DOM). Is it hidden in the same png for apple?

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1 answer(s)
nelson, 2015-12-04

The favicon.ico file at the root of the site.
For example: habrahabr.ru/favicon.ico

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