wet2011-05-05 10:27:28
Professional Certification
wet, 2011-05-05 10:27:28

Where can I take the Zend Certification Exam with a Zend voucher?

The Zend website sells vouchers (and even with a discount until May 16) for completing ZCE.
shop.zend.com/en/php-certification/zend-php5-certi... The
question is, where can I pass this exam in Moscow using them.
The Zend site sends you to search on Pearson Vue
There are many centers, on the sites of the centers themselves, the cost of passing the exam starts from 8000 rubles. The cost of a voucher on the Zend website is much less. (Now: $146.25)
A question for those who have already passed the exam: what centers in Moscow really accept exams for these vouchers?

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2 answer(s)
seregagl, 2011-05-05

Has anyone bought vouchers recently, say this year? They don't really come with practice tests anymore?

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