vee2016-12-10 16:37:29
C++ / C#
vee, 2016-12-10 16:37:29

Where can I learn Unity + C# from scratch?

I don't know how to program yet, but I have an idea for a game and I would like to bring it to life.
As far as I understand, Unity + C# is the best option for a beginner.
To begin with, I downloaded the book “Learning C #”, but no matter how hard I try, I don’t understand at all what they want from me.
Then I thought: do you really need to learn C # first, or can this be done as you learn Unity?
Please tell me good courses / books and in what order to teach them, given that I still do not understand anything in programming.

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2 answer(s)
CClarke, 2016-12-10

Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development: From Concept to Playable Game with Unity and C#
an interesting book in general on game design, C# and unity
game design theory + briefly about C# (and about coding in general) + 8 prototypes of games of different genres with a detailed description.
written easily and with detailed explanations for full zeros, there is a useful "useful concepts" section on programming tricks. quite large, so I advise you to be patient. in fact, about 800 pages of material.
For me, as a beginner, this book is perfect.
if you have problems with English, then start learning it on it.

SergMay, 2019-04-26

As far as I understand, Unity + C# is the best option for a beginner.

No, this is a misconception. First you need to study the algorithms. This is not just a list of procedures and so on. There's a lot of kinks there.
Further - at least in principle to find out what are variables, cycles, procedures, functions, not to mention objects, classes and so on.
And the engine with which it is easier to start is Construct2 - it is 2D. But ... master it, and when you gain experience in it and they tell you - you can do it! - only then take on Unity.
No, I'm not a moralist, but the easy way is only .. I hope it's clear where.
And no matter what engine you use - Indie (loner) will be able to make a game only if he sweats over it 25/24 and 8/7 ... In addition to programming, what else is needed? Graphics (can you make 3d characters with rigging and animation?) Sound. And the plot itself -- I have an idea for a game. I think the idea is this - the Brave Superboy saves the world from the Bad Bad Boy ...
Well, in principle, I didn’t write everything, but (do not lose heart) - before doing something, weigh - I want and I can!
Good luck in the game!

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