Vanya Bogatyrev2019-02-19 23:48:28
Vanya Bogatyrev, 2019-02-19 23:48:28

Where can I get feedback on my designs?

I welcome everyone.
How and where can I get feedback/criticism on my designs?
I do it and I like it myself, but I can’t understand whether other people will like it.
I need criticism and comments. I want to improve.
There are some groups in the social. networks / sites?
I searched myself, I did not find anything sensible. :s
Thank you in advance!
Dribbble, Behance - in my opinion, platforms are more for posting a portfolio than for discussing designs.
It turns out that at the moment there is no resource where one could lay out 2 screens of the application side-by-side and get the ratio of how many users voted for one or another option.

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3 answer(s)
grinat, 2019-02-20


Viktor, 2019-02-20

Try it on behance.

Matvey Pravosudov, 2019-02-21

It turns out that at the moment there is no resource where one could lay out 2 screens of the application side-by-side and get the ratio of how many users voted for one or another option.

Yandex wrote that they use Toloka for this purpose.

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