Yaroslav2014-01-05 16:20:26
Yaroslav, 2014-01-05 16:20:26

Where can I get a handy database of Java code examples?

I googled for a long time, but did not find what I wanted. Are there databases of example programs, and:
1) For each program, there are sets of input and output data, for GUI programs these are made screenshots .
2) There is a convenient and instant search by code, while screenshots are immediately visible in the results. It is desirable that the base be offline - to speed up the search
Actually, there is a desire to write such a program in java\swing yourself, but it seems to me that there should already be such ...

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2 answer(s)
olexande, 2014-01-08

Yuriy Tkach in the playlist "Java practice" or "Java for testers"
Just talks about GUI examples in the 1st video.

PCHELA_MATKA, 2014-01-05

Good afternoon!
I would also not refuse such an idea +1. I can try to help.

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