DemkinMaxim2014-11-10 00:17:26
Domain Name System
DemkinMaxim, 2014-11-10 00:17:26

Where can I get a good paid DNS hosting for 1000+ domains?

Tell me, what services are there in Russia?
It is necessary to place 1000-5000 domains in DNS.
- API management
- location in Russia
- own domain / branded DNS
- anycast
The price is not that important.
Now I use CloudNS.net
In general, everything suits me, except that there is only 1 server in Moscow, the rest is in Europe / USA.
Here would be some Yandex DNS for commercial use!
Can anyone suggest what?
Thanks in advance.

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3 answer(s)
empr, 2014-11-10

If the price is unimportant, then dns-master.ru
API is available, out of 12 servers 2 are located in Russia, anycast is.
The item "your domain / branded DNS" is not clear. Are there any DNS hostings that prohibit the domain from registering A-records ns1, ns2, etc., pointing to the IP addresses of DNS hosting nodes?

Puma Thailand, 2014-11-10

aws route 53

Andrey Shved, 2019-05-08

https://selectel.ru/services/additional/dns/ - fits the described requirements

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