agent11562017-01-14 13:07:22
agent1156, 2017-01-14 13:07:22

Where can I find websites with good widgets and front-end extensions?

Hello, please tell a novice front-end developer on which sites you can find extensions and widgets for sites. I mean some pretty switches, lists, tables, etc.

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4 answer(s)
Decadal, 2017-01-14

or just demos.krajee.com

Rurik Rostislavich, 2017-01-14


alvvi, 2017-07-10


node_modules forgot.
and it’s not entirely clear why you have common.js here, because you later include it separately in .html. Either leave it here and remove it from .html, or remove it from here and leave it only in .html
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="slick/slick.css"/>
<script src="slick/slick.min.js"></script>

Do you have a slick directory next to the .html file, which contains slick.css and slick.js? Then what's the point of installing via npm and concatenating it all into libs.js? (:
It should be: well, the styles, respectively, also need to be separately pulled from node_modules and concatenated into some libs.css. You can read Gulp for Beginners , and then watch this screencast and try to understand as much as possible

al3ch5, 2017-07-10

If you connect Slick slider via npm, then accordingly it will be located in the npm modules folder, and not in slick/slick.min.js. And you need to include lib.jsif you are using gulp for concatenation and other things.

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