alexxz2011-05-17 15:58:30
alexxz, 2011-05-17 15:58:30

Where can I find English lectures on IT with subtitles or text?

These can be lectures, reports, seminars, screencasts, podcasts, etc.
The subject can be summarized as Computer Science (operating systems, algorithms, networks...).
It may not be subtitles, but for example, a transcript of a speech.
For what? I have enough vocabulary to read the material, but not enough experience to understand direct speech.

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6 answer(s)
Victor_R, 2011-05-17

For example, Stanford School of Engineering see.stanford.edu/see/courses.aspx has both lectures and text.

izmalk, 2011-05-17

IMHO, subtitles are not required in this case. I say from my own experience that it is important to just listen as much as possible and try to understand English speech. English films help a lot in this matter (you have enough vocabulary, and you won’t learn to distinguish between different voices with different intonations anywhere like in Hollywood films).
Well, on the profile topic - I really liked the training videos of the site lynda.com. Clearly and in detail, on many computer topics (mostly taught to use software). The videos themselves can often be found in torrents.

xSkyFoXx, 2011-05-17

I would recommend that you take a look at this harbratopic , which leads to this wonderful collection of lectures.

afiskon, 2011-05-17

I watch Star Trek and Babylon 5 with subtitles. Not lectures, of course, but it seems to help.

lashtal, 2011-05-17

So youtube. Look for something like MIT and choose any lecture... cc - enable subtitles.

CyMpak, 2011-05-17

> Computer Science (operating systems, algorithms, networks...)
Are you sure that all of the above is CS, and not Software Engineering?

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